
Showing posts from September, 2012

Change Management

          Life is not stagnant. There is a time in one life will need to change career and look for another   by changing career or upgrading ourself like going back to school that give someone the opportunity to learn new skills and ideas that will help us to succeed in the future.”Recognising and managing change, while at the same time improving the business delivery processes is not only critical to business survival, but also a catalyst to growth”(DNV,2012.p1).Change is crucial to human development,l do accept change in all areas of life like changing from noisy neighbourhood to quiet neighbourhood and like changing job to better job.          There are different types of changes that includes career change,physical change,gender change, environmental change and religion change. ·          Career change that involves change your profession from of...

Motivation at Workplace

The purpose of surviving economically has driven people to work. Work is the process of exercising energy to accomplish a task and also to receive a reward in form of wage or salary. Work has been a catalyst that propels me to go out everyday to make a living for my family and that provides me incomes to pay my monthly bills, buy groceries and pay my School fees. A person needs to have the right attitudes to work and that will surely help employees to perform very well at work. Attitude is a factor that should be observed when investigating motivation levels because of its potential link to participation, or lack thereof, in physical task (Bryan & Solman, 2003.p268). Good attitudes give me the extra strength to perform my daily task because I need to be treated with respect and dignity. A good manager will surely ensure a workplace free of harassment and bullying and that actually promotes performance at workplace.            Mo...