Motivation at Workplace

The purpose of surviving economically has driven people to work. Work is the process of exercising energy to accomplish a task and also to receive a reward in form of wage or salary. Work has been a catalyst that propels me to go out everyday to make a living for my family and that provides me incomes to pay my monthly bills, buy groceries and pay my School fees. A person needs to have the right attitudes to work and that will surely help employees to perform very well at work. Attitude is a factor that should be observed when investigating motivation levels because of its potential link to participation, or lack thereof, in physical task (Bryan & Solman, 2003.p268). Good attitudes give me the extra strength to perform my daily task because I need to be treated with respect and dignity. A good manager will surely ensure a workplace free of harassment and bullying and that actually promotes performance at workplace.

           Motivation is a driven force to human performance. Good management and hard work motivate me to succeed in my career life. I like to learn from every person because every person is indispensable, it is not a good idea to look down on people because of their position, gender or race, every person has something to offer. Learning process which is part of good management is very important for organization to train employees to learn new skills. I always motivate myself to learn new skills every time which have really helped me to compete in the global stage. Motivating people is a perennial management challenge, but in times like these it’s up to learning professionals to ensure that motivation is given more than just Lip service (Musselwhite, 2011.p46).It is really necessary to lead by example, any employee that performs very well at work must be rewarded either by promotion or increase in salary.

Anytime I receive positive feedback from superior, which always motivate me to do more for my company and has been a great factor for me to succeed.

Productive day can be a day that rate of production is really high and a day that my company make huge profits on sale or increase in company stock price. A productive day is organizational choice that determines a way forward and how to remain competitive in a global market.



Bryan,C.L & Solmon,M.A.(2012).Student Motivation in Physical Education and Engagement in Physical Education and Engagement in Physical Activity.Journal of Sport Behaviour,Vol.35,No3.Retrieved on September 22,2012 from

Musselwhite,C.(2011).Creating A Culture of Motivation.American Society for Training & Development.Retrieved September 22,2012 from





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