
Showing posts from February, 2013

Strategic Management and Ethical Issues

  Leadership role               Every organization requires good managers to manage its day to day business transaction. The manager must possess a good character that is worthy of a manager. While seemingly amorphous, character and leadership often make the difference between good performance and great performance (Kaplan, 2008. P. 47). A manager must have good characters that include honesty, diligence, good morals and good communication. All these characters help an organization to reach its financial goal. Leadership is the process of social impact in which an individual can support others for the achievement of a joint objective (Golman, 2000, p. 83). Motivation should be the primary goal of a leader not bullying. Every leader must find a way to create a workplace environment that is free of bullying; this will increase efficiency and productivity. A great example of abuse of power characterized by ...

Social Responsibility and Sustainability at Microsoft Corporation

The organization of my choice is Microsoft Corporation and that is an organization l am really interested to have better understanding of their stakeholders and social responsibility to the communities.Microsoft Corporation supports a wide range of software products and services.The company headquarter is in Redmond,Washington and employed 90,000 people as of June 30,2011.(Marketline,2012,p.3). Microsoft Corporation has been a successful global company that have different stakeholders that includes employee,customers,suppliers,student and communities.            Employee at Microsoft Corporation has been an important aspect of the progress of the organization.The employees are concern about the economic and financial performance of the organization.They strives very hard to promote the organization image.            Customers are important stakeholders at Microsoft Corporation b...

Great Discovery Water from the Rock in Ekiti State,Nigeria


Enterprise Technology and the Value Chain

Enterprise Technology and the Value Chain          The purpose of this paper is to understand enterprise technology utilized to manage value chain in organization. Enterprise technology is a great tool that streamlines business process and improves value chain of an organization. This paper reviews the importance of enterprise technology such as enterprise resource planning that includes SAP (System Application Program) and Oracle Business Suite.         Enterprise technology has greatly coordinated all the business processes in an organization from procurement, warehousing, production, quality control, marketing and sales and delivery to customers. There are different technologies implemented in an organization that include Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management and Supply Chain Management.   Enterprise Technology        ...

Customer Tiers outside Target Market

Customer Tiers outside Target Market                     Organizations such as General Electric, Siemens and British Petroleum focus their resources on how to increase their market share and profit in order to survive in the global market. To maximize the size of their blue oceans, companies need to take a reverse course. Instead of concentrating on customers, they need to look to noncustomers.(Kim & Mauborgne,2005 p.102).The goal of expanding sales and increasing revenues is to reach out to noncustomers that are not in the companies’ existing target market.          There are many factors that will attract customers outside the target market; these include price of products, quality of the products, product innovation, age difference, geographical location and desire for clean energy.           ...