Social Responsibility and Sustainability at Microsoft Corporation

The organization of my choice is Microsoft Corporation and that is an organization l am really interested to have better understanding of their stakeholders and social responsibility to the communities.Microsoft Corporation supports a wide range of software products and services.The company headquarter is in Redmond,Washington and employed 90,000 people as of June 30,2011.(Marketline,2012,p.3). Microsoft Corporation has been a successful global company that have different stakeholders that includes employee,customers,suppliers,student and communities.

           Employee at Microsoft Corporation has been an important aspect of the progress of the organization.The employees are concern about the economic and financial performance of the organization.They strives very hard to promote the organization image.

           Customers are important stakeholders at Microsoft Corporation because they are driven force of sales and revenue generation.Organization must provides products that is of high quality and at affordable price.

Microsoft Corporation depends on the suppliers for  their raw materials and that is the main reason  suppliers is an important stakeholder.Student is an important stakeholder at  Microsoft Corporation because they are the end users of the company’s product.

 Communities play a great role at Microsoft Corporation and that is the reason Microsoft Corporation and his founder Bill Gates  has invested a lot of money to help the poor.


Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Microsoft Corporation has tremendously invested in charitable organization around the world.Given more than $900 million in cash and software to non-profits worldwide.(CSRwire,2012). Microsoft Corporation has made economic impact to million of lives around the world to eradicate poverty,disease and food shortage.The stakeholder that benefits from Microsoft Corporation includes people in developing countries and student.

Microsoft Corporation has been a great organization that promotes literacy and education in the developing countries and most schools in the rural areas in Africa has benefited greatly from educational supplies donated by Microsoft Corporation and all these supplies has been greatly utilized by students and educators.

In the effort to save life and eradicate malaria fever in Microsoft Corporation and his founder  Bill Gates contributed millions of dollars to stop the malaria epidemic in Africa. . Melinda Gates is co-chairwoman of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has committed $860 million to malaria programs and another $650 million to support the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.( Ackerman,2007).  Microsoft Corporation understand the importance of survival of human potential and that will help to build economic growth in Africa region.



Two Potential Right versus Right

My major priority as a leader of an organization will be to provide quality products at an affordable price.Executives are hired to maximize profits: that is their responsibility to their company’s shareholder.(Karnani,2010,p.3).Secondly my potential right versus right will be to take into consideration the interest of stakeholders by providing quality service,customer satisfaction and social responsibility.

Two Potential Right versus Wrong

As the leader of an organization,l will strives very hard to produce a high quality products that is profitable and attractive to customers but the cost of production will definitely high.The negative impact will be only rich customers can afford the products.

In the effort to maximize profit, as a leader l will sometimes outsource some part of the production to other countries with cheaper labour and low cost of production but that will generally cause unemployment in the United States.




Ackerman, R. (2007). Gates Fights to Eradicate Malaria.Forbes. Retrieved on February 10,2013 from

CSR Report. (2012). Microsoft Release 2012 Citizenship Report. Retrieved on February 9,2012 from

Karnani, A. (2010). The case Against Corporate Social Responsibility.Wall Street Journal.Retrieved on February 9,2013 from

Microsoft Corporation SWOT Analysis. (2012). Microsoft Corporation SWOT Analysis 1-9.Marketline. Retrieved February 09,2013 from



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