Strategic Management and Ethical Issues


Leadership role

              Every organization requires good managers to manage its day to day business transaction. The manager must possess a good character that is worthy of a manager. While seemingly amorphous, character and leadership often make the difference between good performance and great performance (Kaplan, 2008. P. 47). A manager must have good characters that include honesty, diligence, good morals and good communication. All these characters help an organization to reach its financial goal.

Leadership is the process of social impact in which an individual can support others for the achievement of a joint objective (Golman, 2000, p. 83). Motivation should be the primary goal of a leader not bullying. Every leader must find a way to create a workplace environment that is free of bullying; this will increase efficiency and productivity.

A great example of abuse of power characterized by bad leadership can be found in the Milgram experiment where participants were forced to take electric shock without their good consent but Hitler gave order to John Williams as seen in the You tube video.

            The importance of certain desirable qualities in a manager can not be overemphasized. Managers must communicate effectively and delegate tasks to employees in a timely manner. It is the responsibility of the managers to ensure that the tasks are completed. They must also understand personal difference from issues at workplace by dealing with employees in a professional manner that is not intimating.



Ethical issues

              Ethics is about doing the right thing and showing good behaviour to fellow human being. A good leader must follow the code of ethics at workplace by showing respect to other employees. A manager who can influence the attitude and behaviour of labours positively is to be taken as a model of a just and earnest executive implementing the ethical standards (Golman & Ozturk, 2012, p.82). All organizations have ethical standards that the employees must abide with in order to maintain respect and dignity at workplace.

            Ethical issues include sexual harassment, bullying, perjury, dishonesty, lateness and workplace violence. A good employee must avoid all ethical problems at workplace in order to stay protective.

Formulating strategies that benefits organizational performance using leadership skills

            A good manager must understand SWOT analysis at which the company operates. It involves Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. Once a manager can understand competitors in the same industry, it will be easier for the managers to formulate strategies that will benefit organizational performance. Many companies that create blue oceans attract customers from other industries who use a product or service that performs the same functions or bears the same core utility as the new one but takes a very different physical form (Kim & Maurbogne, 2005. p. 125). Managers must create a strategy that will help the organization to stay in blue-ocean. A good strategy that will increase organizational performance must be long term and economical to implement.

            Strategies that will benefit organizational performance include price of products, good attitude to work, low cost of production, good communication and good wages & salary.

Price of product is a very important factor in attracting customers and staying competitive in the industry. More sales of product will increase the revenues of a company.

Good attitude to work is also an important factor to be considered in creating a strategy. A good leader must show respect and dignity to employees and that will boost the morale of workers and increase productivity.

Low cost production is another important factor; managers must find a way to source for cheap raw materials that will save money by reducing the cost of production.

Good communication cuts across the organization; information must be dispensed in a very effective manner that will increase productivity.

Good wages and salary is another great way to encourage employees to work hard and be loyal to the organization.    

Integrating Ethical and Social Global Consideration into Strategic Decisions

            Most organizations have social responsibility or obligation not to pollute the environment with their waste products. Corporate social responsibility(CSR),concerned with better aligning a company’s activities with the social, economic, and environmental expectations of its stakeholders, has become a strategic issue for most companies.(Dekluyer & Pearce,2012, p.44). Managers must find a way to accomplish a task without harming employees by not providing necessary safety gadget to work in a chemical hazardous environment.

 Safety of employees is a great strategy for any managers to implement in a workplace. Managers must not force employees to complete a dangerous task because of the safety concern.


Cultural Difference

 My chosen cultural difference will focus on Arab Emirates that is totally different from my country. As a Canadian born in Nigeria, l did observe a lot of cultural differences from Arab Emirate because the country is located in the Middle East and the majority of the population are Muslim. Arab Emirates is investigated in five cultural dimensions which include power distance, individualism, masculinity/femininity, uncertainty avoidance and long term orientation.

            Power distance in the Arab Emirates is totally different from my own culture. Some people believe that it is their birth right to rule the country or certain communities. It suggests that a society’s level of inequality is endorsed by followers as much as by leaders (Hofstede, 2013). In the power distance, no person challenges the authority; everyone agrees that certain group of family should rule their life and country. Arab Emirate scores high in this dimension that is approximately 90.

         Individualism is the process by which people are independent in the society but in the case of Arab Emirate, it is a collectivist society where people depend on government for income and general welfare. Arab Emirates, with a score of 25, is considered a collectivistic society (Hofstede, 2013).

        A clear difference is also observed in Masculinity /Femininity in the Arab Emirates. Most women are suppressed by men. The only people that dominate workplace and business environment are men because they consider women as second class citizen. Arab Emirates scores 50 on this dimension and can be considered as a masculine society (Hofstede, 2013).

      Uncertainty avoidance is a way that Arab Emirates deals with uncertainty in their future and they tend to work hard to provide for the future. Arab Emirate scores 80 on this dimension and thus has a high preference for avoiding uncertainty (Hofstede, 2013).

        Long term orientation is the process by which people in Arab Emirates plan for the future and view business prospect that will generate future incomes. No score on this dimension.

                                                       MBTI TYPE

          The completed Jung Typology test reveals my personal traits in the following areas which include sensing, intuition, thinking and feeling. The Jung Typology test has helped me to identify my MBTI type as INTJ that represents Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking and Judging.

I got the following scores in the four categories below

Introvert =11%




         I have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion by 11%, moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing by 25%, marginal or no preference of thinking over feeling by 1% and I have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving by 33%.

      My MBTI type, INTJ, has greatly helped me to resolve ethical issues in many perspectives. It has a great attribute and idea that propel me to work hard and independently to achieve my goals. I posses a great sense of competence to accomplish a task and be a team player that can motivate the team.

        Furthermore my MBTI type, INTJ, allows me to identify ethical problem at workplace and also find a way to resolve it through mediation that is viable to the success of the organization. My personal quality has helped me not to rush to judgement in any ethical issues such as sexual harassment and dishonesty facing employees at workplace but to thoroughly investigate matters and critically analyze crucial matters without being biased or favouring either party involved.


           The importance of ethics at workplace has been fully discussed. Employees are faced with ethical issues everyday but a good manager will find a way to resolve matter in an amicable manner that is not threatening or intimidating.

    Leadership skills enable managers to work as a team not as a superior to others. Managers need to show positive attitude to other employees and that will boost their morale. Strategic management is a great tool for managers to create Blue Ocean that will make organization competitive.







De kluyver, C., & Pearce, J. (2012). Strategy, a view from the top. (4th ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

French,S.E. (2013). Ethics workshop part 3 - Applied ethics and ethical research. Retrieved on January 19,2013  from 

Goleman, D. (2000). LEADERSHIP THAT GETS RESULTS. Retrieved January 19,2013 from

Gokman, A. (2012). Issues of Business Ethics in Domestic and International Businesses: A Critical Study.Internatonal Journal of Business Administration.Vol. 3, No. 5. Retrieved January 19,2013 from

Gokman, A. & Ozturk, A.T. (2012). Issues of Business of Ethics in Domestic and International Businesses: A Critical Study.International Journal of Business Administration. Retrieved January 19,2013 from

Humanmentrics.(2013).Jung Typology Test.Retrieved on January 19,2013 from

Hofstede, G. (2013). The HOFSTEDE CENTRE(index.php).Retrieved on January 20,2013 from

Hofstede,G. (2013).Dimensions of national Cultures.Retrieved on January 18,2013 from

Kaplan, R.S. (2008). Reaching Your Potential.Harvard Business Review. Retrieved January 19,2013 from


Kim,W., & Mauborgne, R (2005). Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.










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