Way Forward for RIM

Way Forward for RIM

Executive Summary

This paper examines the impact of Brand extension product at RIM. My major goal is  to develop  a new  product name ”GPS Wallet” for a Canadian company RIM (Research in Motion).This GPS device(Global Positioning System)  will have new features that are not presently included in all the blackberry products in the market in term of functionality, compatibility and usability. It will be operating on Android operating system. The GPS Wallet is designed to meet the demand of Auto, Mobile customer, fitness and general aviation markets.

RIM is a Canadian telecommunications company that operates globally with headquarters in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. RIM was founded in 1984 by Mike Lazardis and Jim Balsillie. I find it necessary for RIM to develop a GPS device that will be compatible with all applications from Android market and rival Apple application.

Apple Phone has its own operating system known as Safari which is really embraced in North America and Asia market while Blackberry has large market in North America, Asia, Middle East and Africa. Another feature I would like to add to GPS Wallet is power usage that last for 20 to 30 hours operation time. This GPS device is unique that it will allow customers to drive for two days before of thinking to charge the battery and it is going to be detachable   customer can watch movie and take picture with this device. It will be also a calendar reminder with a function that will remind customer about their future appointment and can also help them to locate any nearby hotel, gas station and hospital.

RIM goal is to build a GPS device that of high quality, easy to use, longer power usage and good reception signal. The company will always build GPS device that will conserve energy even when the GPS device is in use. RIM is looking into a big market to launch this brand globally, RIM estimates in the first year of production to sell approximately 2 million pieces of GPS Wallet at $500 each with total revenue of over $1 billion.


The GPS Wallet is a new GPS (Global positioning system) device that RIM wants to add the list of products offered at RIM. The organization is finding way to optimize company performance by launching products that will sell in large numbers and generate more revenues. RIM is widely known as a producer of Blackberry Smartphone with the competition in the global market.  It is really important for RIM to diversify into production of new products.

The GPS Wallet is a new GPS device that will help drivers and users to navigate around North America. It has a great feature that uses Android Platform and built-in music, video and GPS Map. It is the only GPS device that is the best in the market.

2.1 Market Summary:

RIM understands the shopping habits of its customer and finds a way to satisfy the customers with new product innovation that can serve different purposes. RIM is developing a unique GPS device that is on Android operating system and it will have the capability of viewing video, Wi-Fi, GPS and Heartbeat rate counter and it is optional to make phone call with it. All these added features will make it a better GPS device in the market.

The target markets will include Auto Industry, Fitness, Educational industry and they will be people in age range of 22-65years old.

2.1.1 Market Demographics

The profile for the RIM customers will consist of the following demographic, geographic and behaviour factors:


·         There is a high number of male customers than female customers.

·         The educational group ranges between high –school diploma holder and University graduate

·         The average age of people buying GPS Wallet ranges from 22-65 years old.

·         The young people are really attracted to the GPS Wallet because of music and video downloading

·         People of average annual salary between $50,000 to $150,000 can afford the GPS Wallet


·         RIM currently maintained a database of over 1 million customers worldwide.

·         RIM GPS Wallet is specifically design for customers in North America.

·         There is no limited geographic area for this product. RIM products are distributed and marketed globally.

Behavioral Factors

·         Customers enjoy a GPS device that can navigate along their path and the same time listen to their favourite music

·         Customers want to see another features added to GPS device that will be attractive

·         Customers are tired of paper map, they want GPS device that can direct them electronically from one location to another

2.1.2 Market Needs

Every Customer needs a sense of direction any anywhere they go and the only way to achieve that is by using GPS device that of high quality and of up to date technology.

Customer needs

·           Customers need to navigate from one city to another using GPS device that will work effectively.

·         Customers need a GPS device that can record video and music

Customer Security

·         Customers need a GPS device that can automatically alert them in time of danger or weather storm

·         Customers need a GPS device that is energy independent and does not depend on the energy from the vehicle in case there is power shut down on customer’s Car.

Customer Durability Product

·         Customer needs a GPS device that is stable and durable in any location in North America

·         Customer needs a GPS device that can withstand any harsh weather

2.1.3 Market Trends

·         Most of the newly Cars come with built- in GPS device located at the drivers dashboard but has little features with the main purpose of helping Customers navigate their way from one location to another. RIM is developing a GPS Wallet that is detachable and easy to carry anywhere which can be used outdoor and indoor to listen and watch movie online because of the Wi-Fi capability.

·         Another new trend in GPS device is that Customers need a GPS device that they can travel with to anywhere in the world not only using it for navigating their location in North America but also listening and watching movie, monitoring their heartbeat and taking pictures  anywhere in the world.

·         Customers also want GPS device that is portable and can be carried in the pocket and that is the reason RIM name the product as GPS Wallet.  

2.1.4 Market Growth

There is high demand for GPS device in the market. Manufacturers of GPS device such as Garmin, Tom Tom 350M GPS and Magellan Roadmate are striving hard to produce high quality and easy to use GPS device that Customers will like to buy.

Prices of GPS device are dropping because manufacturers decided not to improve by adding new features to the existing GPS device but RIM will introduce GPS device with new features that will attract new market and customers with a competitive price.

2.2 SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is a business methodology that covers four aspect of business flow that includes strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is instrumental in strategy formulation and selection. It is a strong tool, but it involves a great subjective element.

2.2.1 Strengths

·         The GPS Wallet is the first of its kind because it has new features that attracts more customers and more revenues to the company

·         It has great ability to conserve energy and it is green energy friendly. The battery can last for two days without charging it.

·         Drivers can listen to music and browse internet on the GPS Wallet and that makes it a unique GPS device

2.2.2 Weakness

·         Some Customers may complain about the high price of GPS Wallet compared to other GPS device in the market.

·         Not all Customers want changes; it is a great task for marketers to persuade Customers to buy the GPS Wallet.

·           The GPS Wallet map can only navigate roads in the North American location not Europe and Africa.

2.2.3 Opportunities

·         There is a great chance of selling the GPS Wallet to user of all Smartphone because it looks similar to Smartphone

·         The GPS Wallet can be used in other industries such as education, entertainment, transportation and Hospital.

·         RIM really engaged their Customers before and after the design of GPS Wallet and they are always looking for way to improve.

2.2.4 Threats

·         The fear of other technologies of GPS device which could be better and more efficient than GPS Wallet

·         The GPS Wallet blue print may be stolen by hackers and sold to other manufacturers and that will make GPS Wallet to lose its value and uniqueness.

·         The fear of being stolen because of the size and attractiveness of the GPS Wallet

2.3 Competition

RIM is the first Company in the world that launched the GPS Wallet with new features and new functionality. There are no visible competitors at this time but l am really sure there would be competitors in the future.

RIM has been known for a long time as Blackberry Smartphone manufacturers and its new move venturing into GPS device technology is challenging because it has to compete with other GPS device manufacturers like Garmin and others in the market. The only way RIM can be a leader in selling GPS device is by offering high quality and user friendly features that are absolutely different from the existing GPS devices in the market. Most of the GPS devices in the market only focus on the navigation of roads from one location to another but the GPS Wallet has better advantage because it is not only used for road navigation but also for entertainment and fitness.

2.4 Product Offering

GPS Wallet is a great device that RIM is introducing to the market; it has a new operating system known as Android. GPS Wallet will be compatible with all Android application. It will have a Wi-Fi ,MAPs, Health Counter and other features that can track places of interest when a driver is in that location such as Restaurant, Hospital and Schools.

The products made by RIM can be categorized into three which includes the first generation phone, Second Generation phone 2G and Third generation phones 3G.

·         First generation Blackberry phone does not have certain features like Camera, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. The first generation blackberry phones are mainly used to make phone call.

·         Second generation Blackberry phones have better functionality than the previous blackberry; the features in second generation blackberry includes Camera, speaker phone and touch screen and example of this is Blackberry storm.

·         The third generation Blackberry phones commonly known as 3G and the GPS Wallet belong to this category. The Blackberry phones in this category have features like Camera, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS map. They are faster and have more reliable signal; example of RIM products that are 3G are Blackberry Touch, Blackberry Curve and GPS Wallet.

2.5 Keys to Success

The key to success for RIM is to plan on how to improve on the existing products and how to introduce new products such as GPS Wallet that will attract more new Customers which will bring more sales and eventually more revenues to the Company.

The second key to success is that GPS Wallet is a new GPS device that has new features which make it different from all GPS device in the market as it has better functionality and is more users friendly.

The third key to success is that RIM has invested a lot of money in marketing GPS Wallet; it spent a lot on advertisement on Television, Radio, Newspaper and Internet.

2.6 Critical Issues

The main concern facing RIM is to find a way of elevating the company to a higher standard that will attract more customers and that will also allow existing investors to have more confidence in the company.

·         The GPS Wallet is a new GPS device in the market; it takes time for the company to actually gain full Customers confidence on the product.

·         RIM needs dedicated and motivated employees that will ensure the success of this new product in the market and that will bring in more revenues to the company.

·         RIM needs to monitor and listen to response from Customers and shareholders and that will help the Company to know whether it is still in the right direction.


The major factor to be considered in marketing strategy is to focus on the industries that need the GPS Wallet products such as Auto industry, Fitness and Entertainment. RIM has determined to launch this new product locally and globally in order to reach larger audience and to cover all areas of market segmentation in terms of gender, ethnic group and lifestyles.

3.1 Mission

RIM strives for excellence in product and service and the mission statement ’’Research In Motion and its subsidiaries and affiliates (“RIM”) are committed to offering the best tools for communication and working towards minimizing our environmental impact.RIM strives to act responsibility and expects the same of our partners and suppliers. ’’RIM is a corporate body that determines to meet the need of their customers by offering best products to the market.

·         Value Proposition

The value proposition for RIM is to build a GPS device that can serve many purposes and be of good quality that customers will appreciate for the money beign spend. GPS Wallet is a new product that will really change the way customers use GPS device in a very enjoyable and effective way.

·         Fundamental Goals

The fundamental goal of RIM is to sell quality GPS Wallet at a reasonable price and also to make the products readily available to all customers globally.RIM understands that the present cost of production of GPS Wallet is high and they are finding a way to bring down cost of production to minimal and that will help the company to sell the products at cheaper price.

  3.2 Marketing Objectives

·         Continually promotes innovation and collaboration for the growth of the business

·         Maintain constant  relationship with customers

·         Always strive harder to offer best quality products to the market

·         Create a sales benchmark for each quarters to know that the company is in right direction of making profit

·         Tend to be a leader of GPS device

Specific Measurable Market Size

In the first year of production, RIM is projecting sales of 2 million unit of GPS Wallet globally and the most importantly the large market size will be mainly in North American countries such as USA, Canada and Mexico. The market size will actually determine the number of customers buying the GPS Wallet and RIM can find a way to satisfy the customers.

Specific Measurable Market Share

RIM is determined to meet their objectives in maintaining good price and revenues for their products. A 3% share over 12 months means that each market share targets can be measured against a specific goal. The RIM really wants to control this level of market share and that will help the company to know their level of progress.

3.4 Target Markets

RIM has been in business since 1994 with the launching of GPS Wallet to meet market target of over 2 million customers. The demand for GPS Wallet will continue to increase because a lot of people are really interested in travelling by road using GPS device to navigate their way through North American cities due to high cost of air ticket. The target market segments for GPS Wallet will include Fitness, Auto Industry, Education and Entertainment and it will also target people in age range of 22-65 years.

The GPS Wallet is a new product made by RIM that will generate a lot of customers and revenues because it has new features that are totally different from other GPS device in the market. Customers of GPS Wallet can enjoy watching video and listening to music. It also has WIFI capability that will allow customers to browse, check email and send email to friends and family.

GPS devices users have been waiting for long time to buy GPS devices that will have other features other than navigating road and GPS Wallet has been great tools to meet this challenges facing customers.RIM also determine to target new customers that love innovation and technology.

The Specific Target Market Segments

The specific market targets are the customers that RIM is intended to sell the GPS Wallet to which includes people in the following industries Fitness, Education, Auto and Health.” A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants. Rather than creating the segments, the marketer task is to identify them and decide which one(s) to target.”The market segments are demographic and psychographic segmentation; this segmentation has a great impact in the selling of the GPS Wallet because it comprises where the customers live, kind of customers’ occupation and customers behaviour to certain products.”In demographic segmentation, we divide the market into groups on the basis of variables such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality and social class.” While psychographics is the science of using psychology and demographics to better understand consumers. It is really necessary for RIM to explore this market segmentation in order to boost their market sale and increase company revenues.

The Reason to Optimize Target Marketing Segments

The two market segmentations that are applicable in these situations are demographic and psychographic segmentation which RIM greatly embraced. It is actually a great task for RIM to carry out market surveys that will help the management to get information about customers age, occupation, salary, location, tastes and life styles; all these information gathering will help the organization to optimize their sales across different categories of people in different geographical location.”Market segmentation made communication with the advertising audience predicated on the audience segment. Population segments were quickly stratified by demographic and psychographic characteristics in order to construct target audience profiles for advertisers” It is really necessary to streamline all the customers information that will help the marketers to be more focus on each segment of the market.

3.5 Positioning

RIM positioning is to provide a quality, faster Android operating system, easy to use and environmentally friendly GPS device that will meet customers’ satisfaction. RIM has been a leader in manufacturing Smartphone commonly known as Blackberry. The company deemed it necessary to diversify and to meet large numbers of customers globally and they went ahead and launch GPS Wallet.

RIM understand the importance of social media and they want their customers to stay in touch anywhere at any time by introducing WIFI GPS Wallet that has the Facebook and twitter logo on the Android operating system.

3.7 Marketing Mix

RIM marketing mix includes the following factors such as pricing, distribution, advertisement and promotion and customer service.


The GPS Wallet is different from other existing GPS device products in the market because it has a lot of features that attracts customers and meet customers need.”Product is anything that can be offered to     market to satisfy a want or need, including physical goods, services ,experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations, information’s, and ideas."The GPS Wallet is a unique product that helps drivers to navigate the road within North American Countries like Canada, USA and Mexico. The GPS Wallet has other features that are not present in other GPS devices such as Video and music download; it has Wi-Fi that helps user to browse internet to check email at anytime and anywhere, all these functionalities and features have given GPS Wallet better value than other GPS devices in the market.


The GPS Wallet will be available for purchase through all RIM retailers at a reasonable price. RIM will be using pull marketing strategy to really get close to customers and the retailers.”Pull strategy the manufacturer uses advertising, promotion and other forms of communication to persuade the consumers to demand the product from intermediaries, thus inducing the intermediaries to order it”. RIM has cultivates the method of marketing such as advertising, promotion and face to face sales and that has actually help the company to boost their revenues.

E-Commerce Marketing –RIM has another platform online known as Blackberry.com that customers can purchase RIM products such as GPS Wallet at their own convenience without going to the store and products can be shipped directly to customers address.“E-commerce means that the company or site offers to transact or facilitate the selling of products and services online” E-commerce has been business technologies that allow company to sell their products to customer anywhere in the world. Procurement of the products is done and payment is made and invoice verification confirmed and the product is shipped out to the customers.

Retailing and/or Wholesale-RIM has many retailers that sell their products in the store and retailer websites that includes T-Mobile, Verizon and AT & T all in US but in Canada we have Rogers Inc, Bell, Fido and TELUS Mobility. Most of this retailer will be selling the GPS Wallet in their stores and online. The price of GPS Wallet varies from one retailer to another due to profit margin.

Channel Design Decisions

The priority of RIM is to focus on a lot size of the various target market. This can be achieved by having good relationship with customers and retailers” Designing a marketing channel system requires analyzing customer needs, establishing channel objectives, and identifying and evaluating major channel alternatives”. The GPS Wallet will be a GPS device that will be easy to buy through retailers that has stores in the major cities in US and Canada.


The RIM existing and prospective customers do not really care about the price of GPS Wallet because they actually understand the benefit of the GPS Wallet that other GPS device that are selling at a cheaper price cannot offer. The current price of GPS Wallet is about 60 % above the other GPS device in the market.

·         Setting Price Objective- The priority of RIM to set price of GPS Wallet is to evaluate the quality of GPS Wallet to other GPS device in the market. The GPS Wallet has been the best product in the market that meet customers’ needs and satisfaction and customers are ready or eager to pay good amount of money to buy the GPS Wallet.

·         Demand for GPS Wallet-Many of the RIM customers have been waiting for long time for RIM to develop GPS Wallet that helps them to navigate and also to use the device for other functionality and they view the price to be moderate compared to other RIM Smartphone products.


RIM will be using the existing distribution channels such as Retailers like T-Mobile, Rogers, Bell, Fido and AT & T. Customers can go to their outlet mostly located in the shopping mall to make purchase of GPS Wallet and each retailer is independently in charge of offering discount to their customers.

·         E-commerce Marketing is another great way RIM intended to sell their GPS Wallet through their Retailer website because most customers are too busy to go to the store to purchase the GPS Wallet; the only option for them is to make online purchase with their credit card and the card is validated by the website and the product is shipped to the customers address.

·         Direct Sale- RIM also has the intention of giving customers the opportunity to buy GPS Wallet directly from the RIM at a very competitive price and that will allow RIM to really study customers’ behaviour to the new products in the market.

Advertising and Promotion

·         Communication media such as Television and Radio are great means of advertisement that RIM has been using for long time to advertise their products which includes GPS Wallet. Most of News channel and sport channel advertise the products on their channel so as to reach new market target and new audience.

·         Internet Promotion of GPS Wallet- It is a significant tool to advertise GPS Wallet and it can be done using social media like Facebook and twitter these are websites that have high traffics of customers visiting each day.

Customers Service

Customer service department at RIM is the face of the company; RIM has determined to hire and train qualified sales representative to be able to sell and promote the new product GPS Wallet. The goal of customer service is to meet customers’ expectation.

3.8 Marketing Research

RIM will conduct market research by interviewing and distributing questionnaires among 3000 current customers. The objective of this research is to get necessary information about the usage of GPS Wallet and Customers satisfaction about the physical features and price of the GPS Wallet. The research will be implemented at the beginning of the development of GPS Wallet to the finished stage of the development and that is really important to carry customers and stakeholders along with the new product. The response from the customers and stakeholders will help RIM to really evaluate the customer relationship marketing in areas of selling the products and making profit.


4.1 Break-even Analysis

RIM estimates the revenue to be $20,000,000 for the first year sales of GPS Wallet. Each GPS Wallet will have a sale price of $500 that most customers can afford to buy it. Each GPS Wallet has an estimated variable cost of $300 per unit. This results in a contribution margin of $200 per unit.  The estimated fixed costs for the GPS Wallet are $2,000,000 a year and $8,000,000 for Research and Development investment, totaling $10,000,000.  The sales volume in the first year is estimated to be 40,000 units.

                                                                                             TOTAL                                                       PER UNIT

Sales (40,000 GPS Wallets)                                  $20,000,000                                                        $500

Less variable expenses                                        $12,000,000                                                         $300   

Contribution Margin                                            $8,000,000                                                         $200

Less fixed expenses                                              $10,000,000      

Net Operating Income                                      $2,000,000  

RIM will reach its break-even point when sales reach 50,000 GPS Wallet units:

$10,000,000/ $500-$300 = 50,000 units.

This is estimated to take place in the second year. Break-even analysis assumes per unit wholesale revenue will remain at $500 average. Variable costs are $300 per unit.

                                                                                   TOTAL                                                       PER UNIT

Sales (50,000GPS Wallets)                                  $25,000,000                                                     $500

Less variable expenses                                        $15,000,000                                                     $300

Contribution Margin                                            $10,000,000                                                     $200

Less fixed expenses                                              $10,000,000    

Net Operating Income                                        $ 0      

The major goal of RIM is to double its current sales of GPS Wallet within two years. They can only achieve this goal by doubling the sales in the next two years.

Unit Start
Unit increment
Unit Price
Unit Variable Cost
Total Fixed Costs


Variables Cost
Contribution Cost
Fixed Cost
Total Cost














4.2 Sales Forecast: 1st year by month; 2nd and 3rd years by quarter

·         The demand from GPS Wallet varies because it is a new product that is being introduced to the market, the demand for GPS Wallet will continue to grow steadily  to reach its forecasted number.


Year 2
1st Q
2nd Q
3rd Q
4th Q
Year 3
1st Q
2nd Q
3rd Q
4th Q

·         Risk:  There is a lot of uncertainty facing RIM to sell GPS Wallet in the market and that actually affects the forecast data. There is competition from other competitor that can produce the same GPS Wallet with better features and they can afford to sell at a lower price.

The second risk will be the GPS Wallet may become obsolete that a lot of customer may not like to buy the product after some months.

·         Sales Performance:  Good sales performance can only be achieved by better distribution of the products using retailers or customers buying directly from company website. RIM must be flexible to reduce price at any time depending on the demand for the products.


·         It is really important for RIM to use this marketing methodology as a benchmark. RIM will continue to monitor its sales income by tracking the sales record on a monthly basis and that will give them the opportunity to improve on their sales record.

·         The response from the customers buying GPS Wallet will determine marketing effectiveness. Furthermore, the rate of demand of the product also shows that there is good product satisfaction among customers.

·         RIM marketing team will always respond to changes in the market environment by carrying out survey about customers’ satisfaction about their products and also looking for any competitor in the global market producing similar products.

5.2 Marketing Organization

David Johnson, the Director of Sales and Operation, will be responsible for the marketing plan of the GPS Wallet. David will be directing all the regional and global sales of GPS Wallet with the help of product managers and sales representative. The primary goal of the marketing organization is to ensure successful sales of GPS Wallet.

5.3 Contingency Planning

·         The risk facing RIM is enormous in the selling of GPS Wallet. One of the risk is that the cost of the GPS device seems to be expensive and that will be a problem to many customers to look for another cheaper device that can do the same job. Another risk is that the technology used to create GPS Wallet may be stolen by hackers to develop another brand of GPS device that is better than GPS Wallet in term of cost price and functionality.

·         RIM will monitor the risks by using team approach that ranges from the executive to sales representative. The executive will set some money aside for research and development of new products and to improve the existing products.

·         It is a great fact that RIM is surrounded by competitors and the management is determined to adapt to adversity. These are two ways to adapt to adversity; RIM will maintain products quality and spend money on marketing by getting more response from customer satisfaction.


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