
Showing posts from July, 2013

Poem- Best Judge

Best Judge We cried and complained about a case before the court What can you do? Nothing but complaining and whining Witness is scare to tell the truth, Victim is wounded and weak to fight Victim is sorrowful and lonely but the offender is confident and having a smile on the face How long can you sin? Remember the omnipotent, Alpha and Omega The God that heals, that wakes the dead and the God that owns the universe I share your pain the victim and ones that have been oppressed by the authority Victim have hope in God, God will bless you all. God is the best judge, have hope and patient.

Anger Management

Anger Management A combination of negotiation and dialogue is the greatest weapon against anger, war and strife. Anger is toxic to your soul and body and that is the major reason a person must avoid anger. The Origin of Anger There are many factors that contribute to anger and sadness. The state of mind is crucial in anger management and that determines the momentum of anger. A relaxed or quiet person will react slowly to anger while a tense or angry person will react violently to anger. A person you hate or you do not love will be subjective target when you get angry while a person you dearly love in your heart will be forgiven easily. Anger can be a spontaneous reaction just as a drop of water inside a cup of acid; it will bounce back to you. Anger is caused by arguments among friends, spouse, sibling, co-workers and supervisor at work. A person suffering from mood disorders gets upset easily. Mood disorder may be in these categories low, medium and high. A person wit...

Marketplace Concept

      This paper   focuses on the challenges of values based decision making ethics team current marketplace.This paper further investigates all four markets which include New York, Toronto, Tokyo and Paris. The impacts of current social and political climate on each market will be reviewed in this paper.            Three of the markets are examined and the performance or economic growth of the proposed organization will be analyzed. During the period of research with team B, I was fully engaged in the formation of the organization known as Infinity Microchip Corp. It is a computer manufacturing company, headquartered in Paris, France. Introduction          I am a member of team B and we have determined to create Infinity Microchip Corp that will be a producer of computer hardwares and software. The two major products will be launched to the market which i...

Code of Conduct at Google And Intel Corporation

The two companies that will be examined in this paper are Google Inc and Intel Corporation; they are both multinational corporations with assets over a billion dollars.              This paper investigates the code of conducts of Google Inc and Intel Corporation and the impacts on stakeholders which includes shareholders, customers and employees. Furthermore, this paper reviews how the code of conduct reflects values, law and company’s policies. The ramifications of violation of code of conducts of the two organizations are investigated.                                                                  ...