Marketplace Concept

      This paper  focuses on the challenges of values based decision making ethics team current marketplace.This paper further investigates all four markets which include New York, Toronto, Tokyo and Paris. The impacts of current social and political climate on each market will be reviewed in this paper.

           Three of the markets are examined and the performance or economic growth of the proposed organization will be analyzed. During the period of research with team B, I was fully engaged in the formation of the organization known as Infinity Microchip Corp. It is a computer manufacturing company, headquartered in Paris, France.


         I am a member of team B and we have determined to create Infinity Microchip Corp that will be a producer of computer hardwares and software. The two major products will be launched to the market which include grinder and flyer.Our primary market segment will be workhorse and travellers. Infinity Microchip Corp has determined to produce computer hardware that is affordable and profitable for all users. The company mission statement states that “To become global market share leader by providing innovative hardware and software products at affordable prices with superior services. Respect for ethical values will surely give Infinity Microchips Corp competitive advantage over other organizations in the industry



The Challenges of Values Based Business Decision Making Ethics in the Current Marketplace

        Making the right decision is very important for the growth of an organization. Infinity Microchip Corp strives very hard to cultivate the right values which include integrity, dignity, accountability and respect for code of conducts. This constant striving for excellence of character was deemed a necessary activity by all humans so that they could live in a “good society” as defined in term of happiness (Crossan, et al, 2013). The company values will surely guide all employees and other stakeholders in the future growth of the organization.

      There is a sense of belonging in each team member’s mind and it is very important we respect ourselves and criticize each other’s ideas in a constructive manner that will increase job performance and productivity. Value is based on the total costs involved to produce an item.e.g like value of labor but adding in other related cost to produce an item. As with value of laabor, value is set independent of individual preferences (Wicks & Harrison, 2013). It is really necessary for team members to really spend effectively and not above 2 million dollars initial investment.Certain decision has to manage expenditures on marketing, production, development, innovations, human resources, fixed expenditures and others.



The expansion of Four markets and the impacts of current and political climate

      The four markets identified in this assignment are Toronto,Paris,New York and Tokyo. The social and political issues in Toronto,Canada has a greater role in the purchasing power of the people in Canada .The social and political power includes free health care system,abortion,freedom of speech,political stability,homosexuality,animal rights and eradication of death penalty. Whenever Canadians are polled about what makes “them proudest to be Canadian”, the Canadian health care system frequently tops the list (J.J’s Complete Guide to Canada, 2012). The free health care in Canada has tremendously help Canadian to have money buy computer and television.Canada is one of the great country and a leader in internet and computer usage in the world.

       Tokyo, Japan is the second market my organization intends to explore for business opportunities. The current social and political issues affecting people in Japan are enormous because the workforce in Japan tend to diminish because of the increase number of old people in the country. Marriage and babies is a great social problem facing Japan. Throughout the industrial world, birthrates are falling, and fewer people are marrying .Japan’s rate (7.31 births per year 1000 people), already the world’s lowest, is still dropping (Diamond, 2012). Japan is moving toward a consuming nation rather than producing nation.

      Furthermore, New York, United States is the third market Infinity Microchip Corp will explore for market research and business opportunity. The social and political issues affecting people New York are abortion, gay rights and discrimination. All of a sudden, abortion contraception and gay marriage are at the centre of America political discourse, with the struggling-through improving-economic pushed to the background (Kellman, 2012).

    The final market my organization will explore is in Paris, France. The social and political issues affecting the people in Paris are gay right,politics,cultural difference and rule of law.In France, strong leadership is valued: the PDG (President Directeur General) is expected to be strong authority figure with a high degree of technical competence.Competence. Companies are governed accordingly, with strongly centralized tendencies (Dean, 2012).



The Three Best Markets that has great Impacts on Company Performance

              The three best markets team B will analyze in this assignment are Paris, Tokyo and New York.The company headquarter will be located in Paris and that will help the organization to target market in European countries and cost of operation in Paris is relatively low.There is a cultural difference that management will learn from people in Paris,France. Infinity Microchip Corp will be producing computer with French version software or manuals that will serve the French speaking countries around the world. Team B has been working together amicably and all the team agreed to make the company headquater in Paris, France.In some cases, individuals share ideas and learn from one another, but they are not working toward a common goal. (Codette, 2012, p.50). Team B respect each other ideas and they are determine to accomplish greater goals.

         The second market is located in Asia; Tokyo is the best place for production facilities will be in Tokyo, Japan is known for generation as home of electronics. One of the major reasons that production facilities will be in Japan is the low cost of production despite the reduction in workforce and easy access to raw materials.

         The big market for computer products and accessories is New York, United States and my company’s priority is to increase sales volume. There are a lot of customers that belongs to workhorse and travellers in market segments. Providing quality products and services to customers in New York is a priority.



           The success of Infinity Microchip Corp depends on good strategic planning and teamwork. It is greatly necessary to examine business opportunities in the four major markets that includes Paris,Tokyo,New York and Toronto. Infinity Microchip Corp must make it a prIority to provide quality products and services that will attract more customers and maximize stakeholders benefit or revenues.

It is really necessary to effectively manage limited resources and increase productivity. Decision making process should be a collective one that will benefit the interest of all stakeholders.



              This paper has given me the opportunity to investigate the challenges of values based business decision making ethics in the current marketplace. The moral values and ethics are important tools to economic growth of an organization. Business prospect were examined on four major cities around the world that includes Paris, New York, Toronto and Tokyo.


Cadotte, E.R. &  Bruce, H.J .(2012). The Management of Strategy in the Marketplace. Innovative Learning Solutions, Inc.


Crossan,M,Mazutis,D & Seijts,G.(2013).In search of Virtue: The Role of Virtues,Values and Character Strenghts in Ethical Decision Making.Journal Business Ethics. Retrieved on May 6,2013  from


Dean,J.(2012). Cultural Norms and Company Laws in Europe.International Journal of Business and Social Science.Vol.3. No.5. Retrieved on May 6,2013  from

Diamond,J.(2012). Three Reasons Japan’s Economic Pain is Getting Worse. Retrieved on May 6,2013 from

J.J’s Complete Guide to Canada.(2013). Social Issues in Canada.Retrieved on May 6,2013  from

Kellman,L.(2012). Social Issues Retake U.S Politics,2012 Election. Retrieved on May 6,2013 from

Wicks, A.C & Harrison, J.S. (2013). Stakeholder Theory,Value, and Firm Performance. Business Ethics Quarterly,23.1. Retrieved on May 6,2013  from








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