Corporate Performance in Education: Educational Research and Academic Performance

Educational Research: Student Academic Performance in the University


         Educational Research has been a great concept that enables educational researchers to develop necessary methodologies and skills to improve level of education around the world. Educational researchers strive very hard to solve problem facing deplorable education system around the world and that is the major reason the government of the United States make it a mandatory to invest more resources in the early education.”The federal government eventually began discussing and debating for education reform and No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was finally passed and signed by President George W.Bush (Rulloda, 2011, p.2).Children are our future and the necessities to invest in them will help them to face future challenges in the global economy and higher institutions.


Role of Educational Research

          The importance of educational research has greatly helped teachers to improve their teaching skills and to deliver quality education to student in colleges and universities.”In other worlds, in the modern world, effective teaching requires that teachers engage in educational research in order to improve the standard of their teaching.(Demircioglu,2008,p.1).The college student drop out is increasing around the world and better teachers produce good grade for the student. Universities student on the other hand must work diligently to earn a good grade.


         Educational research can be categorized into quantitative research and qualitative research.”Quantitative research designs tend to be preestablished” (Frankel &Wallen, 2009, p.10).While qualitative research on the hand”Their designs tend to emerge during the course of the research (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009).Qualitative engaged participants and information collected from the participant are implemented in their research project study.


Online Learning as an Integral Part of Educational Research


           It is greatly necessary for universities to change their mode of learning adapt online learning to reach larger audience around the world and that will lead to knowledge sharing.”Universities will need to adapt to the changing environment. No longer do public and private universities have a virtual monopoly in higher education” (Schroeder, 2012, p.98).Online education is flexible and effective way for busy student to learn fast. Most student study online can easily access academic materials through virtual library at their own convenience anytime of the day and anywhere in the world.

Online learning has greatly increase student performance around the world because they have easy access to academic resources and that has greatly help student to conduct educational research at their own pace.


        Educational research is a kind of concept that enables teachers to acquire new skills and knowledge.”For teachers to make use of new knowledge being developed by the field, they must be able to identify and access high quality research (Drill,,2012,p.5).The new knowledge acquired by teachers through educational research can be passed to student and that will increase student academic performance. Educational researcher must be able to develop research question that is clear, focused and open-ended. 



          This paper has investigated the role of educational research in education system around the world. The educational research has tremendously increased student academic performance and it has been a great tool that enables educators to gain new skills and knowledge. Online learning has been an efficient way to disseminate information and conduct educational research.















Demircioglu, I.H.(2008).Learning How to Conduct Educational Research in Teacher Education: A Turkish Perspective.Australian Journal of Teachers Education. Retrieved from

Drill, K., Miller, S., &  Sherrat, E.(2012).Teacher’s Perspective on Educational Research. Retrieved from

Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2009). How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw-Hill. (Pages 1-89).

Rulloda, R.B.(2011).Enhancing Students Academic Performance. Retrieved from

Schroeder, R. (2012). Emerging Open Online Distance Education Environment.Continuing higher education review. Retrieved from




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