Students of Color in United States

Students of Color in United States
          This paper discusses the historical reason for students of color studying in the United State, sources of income for student of color, diversity challenges facing foreign students, educational preferences and bias facing minority students.
The concept of student of color is a methodology that defines the purpose students of color in the United States.

The Historical Reason for students of color studying in the United State
        The determination of students color to get best education and be able to compete in the global market drives the students of color to study in the United States. Many of the foreign students come to the United States to learn new technology and skills that will make them self sufficient for future challenges.

The Historical Reason for students of color studying in United State
        Students are coming from countries in Africa, Asia and South America to search for greener pasture in the United States. After the completion of their education, some of the students of color may decide to apply for permanent residence or alien in the United State that will give them right to live and work permanently in the United States.

Sources of income for students of color
           The students of color get their funding from various sources such as their hope country parents, financial aid from government and private organization. Many of the foreign students get necessary skills to help them integrate into American community and a job. Anonymous(1972) stated that the program provides custom- tailored programs to enable foreign executives, trainees, and professionals in philadephis to improve their English language skills, while they live in an intercultural environment and engage in cross-cultural experience (p. 25). The necessity to get job is to get educated in the colleges in the United States and that will help students of color to learn basic English language
Diversity challenges facing foreign students in the United States
           Education overcome problem of cultural differences in the United States because many students from different countries around the world come together to learn in the same classroom and share ideas on different subjects. Clark et al (2004) stated that it is necessary to provide students structured opportunities to apply the philosophies of service-learning, civic engagement, and democratic citizenship they learn in the classroom context to effect social changes in the larger society (p.57). The benefit of diversity in college campus will help students of color to integrate effectively in the workplace.
Chapman and Lupton (2004) agreed that educators and students enter a course with numerous pre-existing assumptions about norms of behaviour in the classroom and with expectations regarding academic study (p.430). Some of the challenges facing foreign students in the classroom are bad behaviours of other students towards foreign students.

Educational preferences and bias
           Women of color have been a victim harassment and victimization around the world. Contemporary sociology (2010) stated the analysis of racial discrimination experienced by Asian- Americans is useful for graduate students and researchers who desire further insight into dynamics of diversity contemporary America (p.107). Many minority students face racial discrimination about their country of origin. Some teachers have the assumption that minority students cannot communicate effectively in English language because it is second language but some do find a fine line to communicate with students of color. Banks and Banks (2005) stated that women of color in the academy have paved the way for transforming the curriculum so that it includes women of color in more than an additive way (p.212). Many colleges in the United States changed or develop curriculum of study to accommodate or respect the right of women.

        This paper has greatly analyzed the challenges facing students of color in the United States. It further discussed the historical reason for student of color studying in the United States. Educational preferences and bias are the major obstacles affecting the learning process of student of color.


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